Anything Photoshop or Photography

Classic Florida

B&W image of a place in Florida

Had an HDR image that I took a while ago and decided to convert it to a black and white HDR image by following some of the advice from a YouTube video by Joel Grimes called How to Edit a Picture of a City – Cityscape vs. Urban Landscape Tutorial. Since this is not exactly a building type image, a few different setting were used in Lightroom before opening the document into PS. One of the things I did do in PS was apply Luminar Neo (apparently this is using more AI than their other programs) using the Enhance Accent AI slider and Mystical tools only. I have always enjoyed the Mystical effect that Skylum has had for years. Ran Blake Rudis’s High Pass Sharpen Action on the image (this puts the layer set to Linear Gradient mode and a Fill of 30%) – it ends up with a black layer mask so only the building was painted back to apply the sharpening. A couple parked cars were removed and that was it. I love how the clouds look with the Mystical effect applied. It was fun to do a black and white image for a change……Digital Lady Syd

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